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LA Body Sculpture

1 Westmount Square, C 250, Montreal – H3Z 2P9
La première destination de Montréal pour le remodelage corporel holistique et transformateur

Rajeunissement du visage

Revitalisez votre apparence grâce au rajeunissement du visage, un moyen sûr et éprouvé de rétablir l'harmonie du visage. Conçus par des experts, vous pouvez nous faire confiance pour obtenir des résultats naturels qui n'ont jamais l'air artificiels ou exagérés

Chez LA Bodysculpture, nous utilisons une combinaison de technologies de liposuccion, de réduction des graisses, de tonification musculaire et de raffermissement de la peau pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.

Remplissage des Lèvres

Partie du corps

  • Clientèle cible
  • Sédation
  • Anesthésie
  • Temps de repos


  • Perte de cheveux
  • Minime
  • Aucune ou locale
  • Minime
  • 600$
Partie du corps
Clientèle cible
Perte de cheveux
Aucune ou locale
Temps de repos



Partie du corps

  • Clientèle cible
  • Sédation
  • Anesthésie
  • Temps de repos


  • Rides, taches brunes
  • Aucune
  • Aucune ou locale
  • Aucun à un jour
  • 300-800$
Partie du corps
Clientèle cible
Rides, taches brunes
Aucune ou locale
Temps de repos
Aucun à un jour



Partie du corps

  • Clientèle cible
  • Sédation
  • Anesthésie
  • Temps de repos

Contour des yeux

  • Rides, pattes d'oie, cernes
  • Aucune
  • Aucune à locale
  • Aucun à un jour
  • 120-400$
Partie du corps
Contour des yeux
Clientèle cible
Rides, pattes d'oie, cernes
Aucune à locale
Temps de repos
Aucun à un jour



Partie du corps

  • Clientèle cible
  • Sédation
  • Anesthésie
  • Temps de repos


  • Joues creuses, rides, cicatrices d'acné, taches rouges ou brunes
  • Aucun
  • Aucun ou local
  • Aucun à un jour
  • 350-1000$
Partie du corps
Clientèle cible
Joues creuses, rides, cicatrices d'acné, taches rouges ou brunes
Aucun ou local
Temps de repos
Aucun à un jour


Partie du corps

  • Clientèle cible
  • Sédation
  • Anesthésie
  • Temps de repos


  • Rajeunissement ou Augmentation
  • Aucun
  • Aucun
  • Aucun
  • 400-600$
Partie du corps
Clientèle cible
Rajeunissement ou Augmentation
Temps de repos



Partie du corps

  • Clientèle cible
  • Sédation
  • Anesthésie
  • Temps de repos

Autour de la bouche

  • Rides, rides profondes
  • Aucune
  • Aucune ou locale
  • Minime à quelques jours
  • 600$
Partie du corps
Around the mouth
Clientèle cible
Rides, rides profondes
Aucune ou locale
Temps de repos
Minime à quelques jours



Partie du corps

  • Clientèle cible
  • Sédation
  • Anesthésie
  • Temps de repos

Contour de la mâchoire

  • Bajoues
  • Aucune
  • Aucune ou locale
  • Minime à quelques jours
  • 500-1000$
Partie du corps
Jawline Contouring
Clientèle cible
Aucune ou locale
Temps de repos
Minime à quelques jours



Partie du corps

  • Clientèle cible
  • Sédation
  • Anesthésie
  • Temps de repos


  • Menton en retrait, bajoues
  • Aucune à minime
  • Aucune ou locale
  • Aucun à quelques jours
  • 1000$
Partie du corps
Clientèle cible
Menton en retrait, bajoues
Aucune à minime
Aucune ou locale
Temps de repos
Aucun à quelques jours



  • Potenza
  • Morpheus8
    The Morpheus8 is a noninvasive fractional
    radio-frequency (RF)micro needling procedure.
    Through the use of RF heat energy to promote
    collagen and elastin production, it improves the tone and texture of the skin, creating a more youthful and radiant appearance while tightening and reshaping contours in the face, neck and body.
As we get older, we tend to lose the fat and bone in the face that provides us with the plumpness and definition we need for a bright and glowing appearance. With a combination of skin tightening, fat remodelling and filler injections we can give you can give you the cheekbones you’ve always coveted – or give you back the cheekbones you might have lost..
We are instantly attracted to people with a big healthy smile. Our lips can become thinner as we age, so if you are looking for that perfect pout, it might be time to give nature a bit of a helping hand. Fillers can help restore any lost volume and subtly enhance your lips’ shape to ensure you always look your best
Under-eye bags or hollows and upper-lid hollowness can make you look tired and gaunt. With a combination of injections, skin tightening and fat reduction, we can give you back a more refreshed, youthful look.
Jowls are an unfortunate part of the aging process. As we get older, the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, as well as gravity, takes its toll. While these are some of the most telltale signs of aging, they’re also some of the most difficult to deal with. Unlike other areas of the body, jowls can’t be tightened with exercise.
Even if you follow a healthy diet and exercise plan, a double chin can still be a problem. Unfortunately, loose skin or fat under the chin can make you seem older than you really are. Although this is sometimes caused by aging, some people are genetically prone to this condition. Radiofrequency assisted lipolysis technology can melt the fat and tighten the skin, giving you back your chiseled chin.
Nasolabial folds are the grooves that run from the sides of your nose down to the corners of your mouth, also known as “smile” or “laugh lines”. These tend to deepen and become more visible as we age. This is not just due to repeated use of our facial muscles, but because our skin produces less elastin and collagen as it matures, causing its foundations to gradually weaken. With a combination of skin tightening and filler injections we can stimulate the natural regeneration of your skin.
FaceTite is the next best thing to a traditional facelift, without the associated large scars and downtime of excisional surgery. It is a minimally invasive procedure designed to remodel skin and treat fat. In just one treatment, FaceTite can provide significant improvements to the face. It is a safe and highly effective treatment delivering exceptional skin contouring and contraction.
  • Forehead and around the eyes
    Our expert technique helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead, between eyebrows, or around eyes without leaving you looking ‘frozen’. You can still enjoy natural movement in facial expressions and a more youthful glow.
  • Jawline and Neck
    By using carefully selected injections around your jawline and neck area, this treatment helps to reduce tension from strong muscles that can create an aged appearance. The result is subtly lifted jowls without surgery for a gorgeous yet natural-looking transformation into refreshed beauty.
  • Morpheus8
    Morpheus8 is a fractional skin treatment that stimulates collagen production of the underlying layers of the dermis. By targeting the deeper layers of the skin, tissues of the face and body can be remodeled to reveal a more radiant youthful appearance.
  • PRP
    Experience the power of your body’s own natural self-renewal function with platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy – a leading edge skin rejuvenation technique. We take a small sample of your blood and spin it in our centrifuge to harvest nutrient-rich cells, then inject them directly into areas showing sun damage, discoloration or other signs of aging for an instantly revitalized complexion that lasts! Perfectly suited for tackling textural issues such as crêpey skin under eyes or dark circles
  • Dark circles under the eyes
    Under-eye bags or hollows and upper-lid hollowness can make you look tired and gaunt. We can carefully disguise these delicate areas with a super-light hyaluronic acid filler.
  • Facial contouring
    With deep contour work in the cheeks, temple, jawline and chin, dermal fillers can shape and add volume to your face and correct nasolabial folds or jowls.
  • Eyebrow contouring
    We can also use fillers around the hairline to lift the crown and subtly raise the brows.
  • PRP
    Experience the power of your body’s own natural self-renewal function with platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy – a leading edge skin rejuvenation technique. We’ll take a small sample of your blood and spin it in our centrifuge to harvest nutrient-rich cells, then inject them directly into the scalp. Typically four to six treatments over 6-9 months result in some initial new growth after 4 sessions. Plus, this virtually risk free procedure won’t interfere with your day as there is no downtime required afterwards. PRP therapy may also be used alongside hair transplant if necessary for more significant loss.
  • Acne and other scars
    However dull, damaged or blemished your skin might be, you really can reclaim a natural lustre. Typical skin conditions include acne scarring, pigmentation, discolouration, dark patches, pitted skin, rosacea and enlarged pores.


Au service des clients de Montréal, Laval, Boucherville, Brossard, Trois-Rivières, Sherbrooke, Magog, Knowlton, Mont-Tremblant, Saint-Sauveur, Montebello et des environs.

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